We are committed to helping our residents live life to the fullest extent possible by coordinating personalized care requirements that fit their assessed needs. We approach this mandate in collaboration with residents, families and medical staff to ensure not only quality of care, but also quality of life.
Personalized Care and Services
We understand and respect the important role that families play in long-term care and value and encourage their participation and contribution.
Three meals are served daily as well as snacks between each meal and at bedtime. Alternative meal choices are available with each meal. Special and therapeutic diets, including dietary supplements and assistive devices for self-feeding are regularly assessed and diet orders carried out as prescribed by the Consulting Dietitian in conjunction with the Attending Physician.
Food preferences and dislikes are taken into consideration when planning seasonal menus and include feedback from the Resident’s Council, the Family Council, individual residents and facility staff.
Our programs offer a wide range of recreational and social activities that engage and involve our residents. From morning to evening, residents have many opportunities to take part in enjoyable activities that nurture the mind, body and spirit.
We have BBQs, picnics, monthly birthday parties, entertainment, games, shopping trips, and other seasonal events and outings.
Daily activities and programs are planned based on residents’ wishes, input and recommendations. A monthly calendar outlining scheduled activities, including program’s date, time and location is posted on designated bulletin boards and a copy provided to each resident.
Worship services and pastoral visits are all part of the services offered at our home. Comfort and counseling maybe obtained through visits by one's own spiritual advisor. The Ethics and Palliative Care Committee provides support and direction for palliative care and services in our home.
The restorative care program is coordinated to ensure that each resident is able to maintain or improve his or her independence, functional and cognitive capacities in all aspects of daily living, to the extent of his or her abilities.
Therapy services may include but are not limited to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, walking program, exercises, restorative eating, bowel training and other related programs.